Our first objective was easily reached. In our first 2 weeks here we saw Connor every day. Then, last Saturday, the day before our Thanksgiving celebration was to happen, was the day I had my car accident. which cancelled the dinner and threatened my chance to attend the birthday party. The day before the birthday party we decided that we were going over to see Connor no matter what. I was a little afraid I would not be able to climb the stairs, but I did it. The next day I was a little worse for wear but the pain medication is doing it's job. I will make the party!
From Connor's birthday, a little gramma cuddle....lasted just long enough to snap the picture.
Last sleep in Grande Prairie. Due to my injuries I can not sleep lying down so I was sleeping in one of the lounge chairs. Rick decided after tucking me in that I needed something to cuddle so he gave me Marvin the Martian.
Tomorrow morning Rick will return thev rental car at 9 and we will be hitting the road home at about 10:00 am.We already had our route planned out and our over night camping arranged so it will be a matter of driving from point A to point B until we end up at home on October 13th. I hope to be able to update this page with our adventures each evening, but that will depend on a few different things, like access to wifi, how much driving we do in a day and what time we finish setting up camp. No worries, though. If I don't get to write about our adventures daily I will definitely get you caught up when we arrive home.

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