Day 4 starts as bright and sunny as day 3. We were very fortunate to have perfect
travelling days up to this point. On this day, we started in Michigan and traveled
through Wisconsin, Minnesota and ended in North Dakota. this was our last full day
in the US and we were going to cover a lot of ground. We stayed in Grand Forks ND
only because they had an IHOP. Rick had never been to one and wanted to try it. We
arrived just before dinner time and had our pancakes in a nearly empty restaurant
We entered Wisconsin about 30 minutes into our travels and there was a big sign
welcoming us to the state. The scenery was much the same as in Michigan - tree
lined hilly roads but this time Lake superior showed her face several times. It definitely
helped to break up the tedium. We stopped for lunch at one of the rest stops on the lake
and enjoyed the view. I was surprised to see all of the natural sand and the long sandy
beaches of this shore line. We drove along the coast of Lake Superior for the entire
time we were in Wisconsin.
The city of Duluth Minnesota welcomed us to that state. No friendly sign this time. Duluth
is a huge port and definitely an industrial town. It sits in a large valley which we descended
into and then had to climb out of. It was one of the most challenging climbs for Meander.
We also had to cross a very large bridge over the port. Rick hates bridges and I am sure
he held his breath the entire way. After the huge climb out of Duluth the terrain leveled off
and we started to cross the northern flatland's. We started the day on US Highway 2 and
stayed on that piece of road the entire day. Eventually it got very straight and flat and we
did not hit any curves until we were near the North Dakota border. We were so excited to
see a curve! Rick got a little loopy on the straight stretch and started to sing. At first it was
"the wheels on the bus" and about half way through he changed it up and said the wheels
on the bus fell off.
I asked him to change songs so he went to "99 Bottle of Beer" but
again changed it up and tried to do it backwards - starting at 1. I think the man needed a rest!
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