Friday, August 3, 2018

The 2018 Meandering season has begun!!!

The 2018 Meandering season has begun!!!

This past 7 days were a flurry of activity and preparations for our min-vacation to New York State.

The RV was in the shop for a couple of weeks to install the wiring kit so that we could tow the Jeep. We also asked the mechanics to give it a general check up and and change the oil. Everything checked out perfectly! The next step was to get the temporary permit so we could take it for an Emissions test. This was required so we could get our plates renewed. We also had to get our propane tank re-certified so both appointments were made for the same day - 1 week before we were to leave. We were not anticipating any problems with the emissions test, after all mechanically the rig checked out just fine. The propane tank, on the other hand was a little questionable, since our rig is 24 years old and still has the original tank.

Needless to say things don't always go as planned. The first appointment was with the local Ford Dealership to get our Drive Clean certificate. Much to our dismay it did not pass. We made an appointment for the following Tuesday to have the codes checked and any necessary repairs done and to try the test again. when pressed, the mechanic that had tested it said he thought it was a problem with the gas. So we stopped at the local Canadian Tire and picked up a couple of cans of stuff to help clean the gas and drove the RV around to use up the nearly full tank of old gas. Our second appointment was to have the Propane system looked at and certified. I was really very nervous about this test since the morning certification had not gone so well. In the end, the tank passed with just one part having to be replaced. I have to say the mechanic who worked on it was wonderful! When he came out and said there was a part that needed to be replaced he said if we wanted a new one he would have to order it in and it would take about a week. Plus it was not exactly a cheap part. He then said he happened to have a really good used part that he could install right away and then certify us. No brainer! After about an hour we were on our day with a complimentary tank of propane to boot!

Tuesday Rick took it back to the dealership to get the emissions re-check. It passed! Then there was a paperwork screw up and a machine malfunction and finally Meander had her licence plates which are good for the next 2 years. Yeah! Things are coming together!

Thursday, the day before we left, was a very busy day. I had already gather many of the items that needed to be loaded so it was time to put them on board. I had every listed out by category - his clothes, my clothes, toiletries, food (that list was done by meal) and general stuff. Then I made a shopping list for anything I was missing.

We also attached the Jeep to the RV with the new set up. We tested signal lights and break lights and....yikes!! they don;t work! Found out we blew a fuse so that was replaced. Plugged it in and.....same thing. So. went back to Canadian Tire and purchased a set of lights and wires that could just be mounted on the back of the Jeep. Worked like a charm! Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.

So by end of day Thursday everything was abord except a few odds and ends (already packed in a bag to go out), our food from the fridge and our meat from the freezer (also bagged and ready to grab!).

 Friday is go day! We planned to leave between 8:30 and 9:00 am. Our cats were on house arrest because we were leaving for a couple of days. That did not sit well with our youngest and he tried to get out at every opportunity. as a result, we did an express loading - me showing everything quickly out the door onto the orch and Rick putting it on board. By 7:45 we were ready to go. a quick stop at Tim Horton's for our caffeine fix and we were meandering!

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